Our leaders are volunteers who are at least 18 years of age. Leaders come from a variety of backgrounds such as social service careers, university and college students, professionals in the ABI field, family members and community members. Leaders must have a valid first aid certification and criminal reference check.

What do leaders do?
Leaders are an integral part of Camp Dawn because we could not run camp without them. A leader’s main role is to be available to help campers feel comfortable and enjoy camp. There are two leaders and 5-7 campers per cabin. Our leaders work together to help run activities for campers and we try to match the activity to the leader’s interests. Please let us know if you have ideas or items to assist with activities (e.g. a musical instrument, sports equipment, game, etc). Campers are self-sufficient and do not need to be constantly monitored, however, leaders are expected to know the whereabouts of their campers. Leaders are NOT expected to act as personal assistants for campers – campers that need that level of assistance must be accompanied by their own personal attendant. Leaders are asked to commit to remaining on the grounds for the duration of camp, however, exceptions can be made so please let us know in advance.
What qualities are you looking for in a leader?
We are looking for friendly, compassionate individuals who can foster a positive atmosphere at camp. Leaders will need to be have the ability to assist campers and facilitate activities for the duration of camp. Any experience with vulnerable populations such as the ABI community is beneficial but not required.
What does a typical day look like?
Camp is busy! Each day is filled with activities from 9 am to 10 pm. Prior to camp, leaders sign up for activities they would like to help out with. If a leader is not assigned to any activity, they are asked to assist with activities that require extra help. For those who are willing and able, leaders are also asked to assist with covering parts of overnight shifts.

What are the campers like?
Most campers come from Southwestern Ontario and range in age from 18 to 65 years old. Many of our campers have come to camp for several years but we do get new people each year. All campers have sustained an acquired brain injury at some point in their lives. Campers are required to either be independent with respect to their personal care or bring their own 1:1 attendant if they require such assistance. Campers may require assistance from leaders with such at times with challenges relating to memory, organization, planning, and mobility (i.e. pushing a wheel chair). Our campers attend camp to have a break/vacation. Some are still in rehabilitation, some live at home, and others live in a group setting. Camp provides them with opportunities that they do not have in their home communities.
What are the rules that leaders must adhere to?
Camp Dawn has very clear policies and procedures in place that you will be required to agree to and sign before camp. While at camp, the most important things to keep in mind are knowing the whereabouts of your campers, following our standards of conduct, and helping to ensure our campers do the same. We do not have rules about bedtimes, wake up times, or activities campers participate in.
What about the food/special diets?
All meals and snacks are provided by the camp. Campfire Circle does not permit any outside food since they run many camps throughout the year for vulnerable populations and cannot risk contamination via food/drink. Special diets can be accommodated but must be indicated on leader application. There are 3 meal times and 3 designated snack times per day. Water, juice, coffee and tea are readily available throughout the day.

What are the cabins like?
All cabins have 2 washrooms and 1 shower. There are 2 leaders per cabin and 5-7 campers. Each cabin is divided into 3 rooms, each with 3 beds. Leaders typically sleep in a different room than their campers. There is a wheelchair accessible cabin which is slightly different – it houses more leaders and campers, and the washrooms are larger.
Packing List
The Campfire Circle Campground where Camp Dawn is held includes a large recreation building that houses the dining hall and a gym, several cabins throughout the grounds, and many indoor and outdoor activities. There is a fair bit that takes place outside, even just walking to and from activities, and many of the outdoor activities take place rain or shine, so packing for the weather is important. We recommend packing 4 days worth of clothes and toiletries. There is no swimming at camp, so no bathing suit is needed! Cabins are equipped with bunk beds so you will need to bring a sleeping bag or bedding, and a pillow. Campers will only use the bottom bunks as will most leaders. All medication will be locked in the nurses’ station in the dining hall that is staffed by a Board member and accessible 24 hrs. We do not have a space for locking up belongings so we discourage leaders from bringing valuables. NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINKS may be brought to camp as per Campfire Circle Campground policy. We have a leader lounge that will have snacks for you. Personal devices are allowed and wifi is available.
How do I get there?
We provide a free bus for leaders and campers coming from London and Hamilton. Leaders may drive their own vehicles to camp.
Who can I talk to if I have questions about Camp Dawn?
Prior to camp, please see our contact information to reach out to us. Once at camp, you will meet the Camp Dawn board members and some of the more experienced leaders who will be able to answer questions for you. In cabins, we try to pair new leaders with experienced ones, and also assign one board member as a mentor for each group of leaders. We are here to support you because we want to ensure that our leaders also have a great camp experience.